Monday, March 10, 2008

Good Pipe Bender To Make A Dune Buggy Frame


Sulla "spiaggia della strada interrotta" esiste una casetta, di quelle fatte durante la bonifica.
Nel 1993 scopriamo che vi abita una vecchia e che tale vecchia è arrivata alla fine della sua vita. Le due daughters take care of her, but it is not easy: Maria is a woman hateful Save even on his deathbed. What counts for her two daughters are not the ones you love but never at the bottom of the third fruit of her womb, Vincenzo, who lives in America.
Given the approaching end of his mother, two sisters are forced to call his brother. Vincent not only comes too late to say goodbye to his mother but carries with it an unpleasant surprise. Among the three brothers Save all hell breaks loose ...

We have written this story last year from the image of three sisters on the beach. And 'this film was that, somehow, he pulled the idea of \u200b\u200bepisodic film. The screenplay is written, is quite disturbing and not at all accommodating. But we must say that the five episodes, this is the first "The Uranian" (see post of 13 january) are the only ones in a sense a happy ending. The other episodes are coming out dark, hard, rough to turn the tone to the mood that belongs to the whole project: the Uranian by this company are considered as aliens and as such they behave. Choices are absurd, dangerous actions: what can be expected only from people who have nothing to lose.

"What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (Robert Aldrich 1962) and" Slowly, Sweet Charlotte (Robert Aldrich, 1964), Both films will be the reference for this episode. And not only because they form an explosive mixture of Gothic and grotesque, but also for the crudeness of the dialogue, the staging - almost expressionist cinema - and especially the acting of the actresses.
The title is "Save The death of Mary." We have already prepared the work plan: 4 days indoors and one outdoors. House identified: both for external and internal to the scene to be completely by the excellent designer with whom we have collaborated: Massimiliano Nocera. And
between "Uranian" and "THE BEACH OF THE CENTURY" seems to win overwhelmingly in the first game.
To be continued ...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Clips Of Monica Racaforte


3 i motivi che ci hanno fatto mettere da parte la scrittura di nuovi post:
1) poche novità sul nostro progetto;
2) scoramento, (vedi punto precedente e successivo);
3) uno di noi due (immaginate chi) ha lasciato la borsa con dentro il computer sulla banchina della stazione di Hotel de Ville a Parigi, mentre andava all'aeroporto per tornare a Roma.

Potete immaginare la "tragedia"? (virgoletto perché c'è di peggio nella vita ovviamente).
L'avvenimento ha provocato potenti contraccolpi:
- difficoltà a comprarsene un altro;
- rabbia accumulata di fronte ad avvenimenti che possono essere evitati with a minimum of attention,
- drop in immune function (3 influences behind each other in a single month),
- wasted material (with our valuable subjects and scripts that have been stolen already imagined and manufactured by some major and assigned to someone else)
- inability to update the blog as the handset, being newer, better able to handle the graphical tools,
- inability to work in two.

This lasted 24 hours. Then, calling the lost, we learned that the computer had been found by someone and handed over to the station.
Hurrah! W la France!
All those to whom we told said the same phrase, that ass!
And we have said with such sincerity that came a week after a second cold shower: the computer was gone again as it was not delivered as expected to the Prefecture where we were to withdraw. The number
footage that had been assigned to the source, was non-existent. We were planning a trip specifically to go to retrieve it but we gave up thinking that the cunning, the office of the glorious French underground, has seen good to get rid of our computerino.
Great suspense, with our friends in Paris who were allocated to the procession Prefecture ...

Then a few days ago, the bureau chief, seized with a fit of national pride and hammered on our phone calls, he picked up the thing and called the proper authorities to understand what they were combining co '' I'm computer.
And we succeeded: we sent a letter to tell us that "the exchange" had been found. The bag
?! I said, you see that there is a bag but not the computer!

when our friend Gianfranco - and we thank them along with Letizia and Luke - went to pick up the item, has determined that ...
the computer was in its place. And so here we are rewriting our posts and work on our film on which we will update you soon.

photo of Antonio Cecchi