Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How To Prevent Frequent Erections


Tre mesi e un meraviglioso mulino del 1100 adagiato su un braccio della Senna sono il tempo e il luogo che vedranno la scrittura della sceneggiatura de GLI URANIANI grazie a uno dei premi vinto al "Festival du Cinéma Meditéranéen" di Montpellier.
La "Residence" consiste in vitto e alloggio e un coach che farà in modo di non farci sprecare tempo in dormite o chissà che altro, nonché l'opportunità di contattare figure di rilievo dell'industria cinematografica French. And a monthly salary to pay the rent and bills at home ...

THE Uranian is the first Italian to win a scholarship support in Montpellier and the first Italian access to Le Moulin D'Andes. The Center for Writing film that oversees this activity only select projects unique, original and innovative and will be responsible to accompany the authors on the project.
In the past, many French and European authors were at the Moulin d'Andé, but the news that there is more excited about the presence of François Truffaut wrote that at the Moulin own "Jules and Jim" and has utilizzato poi la location per girarne alcune scene.
Se consideriamo che Truffaut è stato l'oggetto della tesi di Gianni, è un piccolo cerchio che si chiude all'interno della sua mitologia privata.
Buon Anno a tutti voi Colleghi e Amici.
In bocca al lupo per i vostri progetti.
Teniamo duro ma con la consapevolezza che in fondo è solo lavoro.

to be continued...

Friday, November 14, 2008

How Long Before Syphilis Test Positive

Mime Always Rings Twice (Open Doors 2008)

OVO Productions

Galileo Tarricone

regia, riprese & post-produzione
Rossella Quaranta

animazione & grafica
Andrea Sossich

Marina Bulgarini - Improvvisazione
RMX - Summertime

Galileo Tarricone (Mime)
Bulgarini Maurizio (Professor)
with the appearance of extraordinary background
Sossich Andrea and Mia Zalica (couple are married)

when & where
November 1 '08 @ Department of Physics (via Pietro Jury)

special thanks to Marina
Bulgarini (for the very valuable background music on the piano)
the guardians of the Department of Physics (given us for availability)
Sasa (for moral support)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Chicco Replacement Parts


Ciao a tutti, volevamo rassicurarvi - semmai qualcuno si fosse preoccupato - che l' impresa continua, il progetto va avanti, tra piccole soddisfazioni e grandi delusioni (o il contrario, dipende dall'umore del momento).
URANIENS LES is one of 16 projects selected for the "Bourse d'aide au développement" at the 30th Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Montpellier.
authors will be presented to us in late October during the Festival to a jury to decide whether to put the project one of the four prizes available in a substantial economic aid or means to enhance their development.
Even if we do not win, we're happy to finally be considered equal: for years, but we try any of our previous projects presented had passed the final stage.
And then there is the possibility that the project caught the attention of some French producer, what they seek. In
stesso contesto, avrà luogo una rassegna dei film e cortometraggi premiati da CANAL PLUS e OFFERTE SPECIALI, il nostro corto del 2005 che ha vinto questo premio proprio in quell'anno, fa parte del programma.
Se ci chiedono davanti al pubblico quali sono attualmente i nostri progetti, diremo che desideriamo proporre il nostro primo lungometraggio a Canal Plus per una coproduzione... Che dite? Troppo sfacciati?

Ultima notizia sul fronte francese è la proiezione di OFFERTE SPECIALI all'interno di una rassegna di Corti Mediterranei, il 7 Ottobre a Parigi al cinema MK2 di Quai de Seine alle 20.30. Il nostro è il quarto. Proiezione in 35mm, sottotitoli francesi. Gianni Gatti sarà lì a presentarlo, in perfect French.

to be continued ...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Glory Hole Jacksonville

Sole 24 Ore newspaper

Initiative of the Faculty of Sciences in Turin
University freshmen look on YouTube

A pair of young lovers at the restaurant. He orders two crudités de courgette. The waiter presents the dishes e. .. surprise! Two zucchini raw. She: "But why do not you aware that before". F "idarsi is well informed and better."
It 'slogan of guidance, orientation meeting, mostly university della Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali e dalla Scuola Interfacoltà di Biotecnologie, in programma presso il Molecular Biotechnology Center di via Nizza 52, a Torino, dal 21 luglio al 1 agosto e dal 25 agosto al 5 settembre. Le facoltà scientifiche lamentano lo scarso appeal che i numeri hanno sui giovani "maturati", allora perchè non usare uno strumento più appetibile per informarli? YouTube per esempio. E' quello che hanno pensato i docenti della commissione di Facoltà, Lorenzo Magnea e Paola Costelli ( ).
Il primo passo è stato mosso dall'alto, la palla passata a un gruppo di giovani studenti del Dams. Per l'occasione was incorporated on Ovo Productions, a collective of five boys from Turin, Class of 1984, driven by the desire to cooperate that have also created logo and related graphics, slogan, brochure, flyers, at low costs.

Silvia Mattaliano on Il Sole 24 Ore -North-West, July 30, 2008, p.. 1

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mario Salieri Movie Trailers

Tomorrow is another

OVO Productions back to talk to him. Tomorrow is the turn of Sole 24 Ore, in the pages of the insert NORTH WEST. We thank the gentle lady journalist Silvia Mattaliano for the curiosity and interest.
Se tutto va come deve andare, sarete i secondi a saperlo.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Where Put The Stayfree

Raconteurs ft. Michel Gondry - You do not understand me

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (di Michel Gondry, 2004) in salsa jackwhitiana, sulle note di "You don't understand me" dei Raconteurs . Montato in una notte lunga e tempestosa da Rossella Quaranta, che quella notte aveva qualche idea malsana e moltissimo tempo da buttare.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cosmetics Import Tax Bc

Almost Famous? :)

La facoltà di sceglie anche su YouTube
Sciences shows a movie online

Other than answering dusty gazebo and planted in the hot sun of July: university guidance begins to change strategies. The most original, unique, is that the Faculty of Science, in order to promote its courses, has designed beautiful : YouTube has placed two films in just over three minutes recounting the misadventures of a young couples struggling with the effects of random choices and misinformation.
"The idea came to the Commission that deals with orientation - said the president Alberto Conte - Composed of teachers younger faculty and student representatives: they thought that to achieve simple and fun for kids in high school it was necessary to use a language close to them. "
Video, music, humor online (www. / guidelines) and an invitation to choose after being well informed : "The message is serious, but launched a light-hearted, why choose the option does not have to be an annoying, indeed ".[.. .]

Monica Perosino on La Stampa of Turin, July 17, 2008, p.. 53

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Left Side Back Pain Above Waist

Flyers (Guidance)

The two flyers produced for the 2008 guidelines, always behind the Committee of the Faculty of Science of the University of Turin and the Interfaculty School of Biotechnology.

models for an evening
Palmiotto & Simon "The Master"

My original idea Zalica

Andrea Sossich

Rossella Quaranta

& designer lighting technician
Galileo Tarricone

with the (mostly) friendly participation of
Roberta Balzano

when & where
July 7 '08 @ home garage Tarricone

Shortest Skirt No Panties In Public

Suite 17 (Guidance)

Second video of the 2008 guidelines of the series, commissioned of Faculty of Science of the University of Turin and the Interfaculty School of Biotechnology.

OVO Productions

script & music
Galileo Tarricone

direction, editing & post-production
Rossella Quaranta

animation & graphics
Andrea Sossich

Sossich Andrea (fiance clumsy)
My Zalica (girlfriend annoyed)
Galileo Tarricone (Igor)
Mauritius Bulgarini (concierge mentally disturbed)

when & where
July 12 '08 @ Eden Hotel, Corso Massimo D'Azeglio 67-10015 Ivrea (TO)
July 13 '08 @ home cellar Tarricone

How To Do Half Head Highlights

Drama at the restaurant (the Guidelines)

The first video shot for the 2008 guidelines, commissioned the Faculty of Science of the University of Turin and the Interfaculty School of Biotechnology .

OVO Productions

sceneggiatura & musica
Galileo Tarricone

regia, montaggio & post-produzione
Rossella Quaranta

animazione & grafica
Andrea Sossich

Andrea Sossich (fidanzato goffo)
Mia Zalica (fidanzata indispettita)
Galileo Tarricone (cameriere psicopatico)

quando & dove
giugno 2008 @ Ristorante "Degusta" , Via Della Repubblica 32-10036 Seventh (TO)

Popcorn Orville Calories Natural

OVO Productions!

OVO Productions is the name we gave to our collective five boys born in 1984 in Turin , friends from the first year of high school, who wanted to unite their skills and personal passions during the campaign image for the "Living Orientation 2008 " of Sciences and Biotechnology.

Accomplice decade relationship of friendship that binds us and pay the balance We immediately found the division of tasks , arose spontaneously the intention to continue under the same logo in the future other projects. We needed, therefore, a name which we could identify all five. In the end, we opted for OVO: only three letters, and easy to remember - a graphics layer - the impact, because palindrome. In addition, the egg is a perfect symbol: round, full metaphor for the birth of (n) egg, the endless possibilities.

Online Overall, thanks to the skills that each of us has developed - through the study, the practical exercise or the natural evolution of his passion - the OVO Productions deals with many areas of creativity : from design to graphics , from music to video. In this case, all the different areas have contributed to the creation of an advertising campaign on multiple fronts, commissioned by the University of Turin.


Maurizio Bulgarini
Pubbliche Relazioni e Web Master

Rossella Quaranta
Responsabile Video

Andrea Sossich
Responsabile Grafica

Galileo Tarricone
Coordinatore e Responsabile Musica

My Zalica
Production secretary


mail _

mobile _ _ 338/1352012 392/9790377

_ FaceBook

_ MySpace

_ Flickr

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kates Playground Kates Name


A tall and elegant woman is accompanying her son to school, a child of four years struggling to keep up.
When we see her in the face, we find an old friend, Maria, the protagonist of special offers, four years after .... and the baby is clearly to the watermelon. What has grown!
The latest episode of The Uranian ideally takes place at the end of the century and wonders - using the paradox - how they might react in the face of the Uranian a culture that continues foolishly and unnaturally a non voler riconoscere la loro esistenza. Scopriremo infatti come - poeticamente e con risata finale - Maria sia riuscita a risolvere il problema di dare una famiglia "normale" al suo piccolo, seguendo il desiderio (leggi: il condizionamento sociale) di non procurargli alcun sentimento di diversità rispetto agli altri bambini.
Per rendere credibile il paradosso che racconta, questa sorta di pochade sarà caratterizzata da una messa in scena senza fronzoli e al limite del documentaristico.
Si intitola "TUTTO IN FAMIGLIA", ed è il più breve dei cinque corti.

to be continued...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Effects Of Alcohol For Cystic Fibrosis


little over a month ago, on the site " has released an article that dealt with this on our blog.
Cinemagay . it is a site that monitors, collects and disseminates all that happens in the world on the front and GLBT CINEMA.
It does so with care, passion and above all, a rarity in Italian journalism of the past twenty years, rigorous (in other words, should not be their friends to be taken into account, but do something interesting).
impressed by the time we have turned to special offers, I thanked him with an email.
I take time for this blog renew the thanks and compliments, but also to make a small clarification on the generous article they have written, that the episodes of our feature film project is an expensive project but, rather, designed specially to be low budget (of course asking a cast and crew to meet us or else we'd be cool ...). Each short
costs on average about 50 000 euro, but the short set in the '80s - the third episode - which costs twice as much (being a bit 'longer and more developed than others).

We have focused on stories and on a few strong, intriguing characters and have instead tried un'ambientazione che fosse semplice da scenografare e vestire abbattendo i costi almeno da quel punto di vista: la spiaggia.
Ecco quindi chiarito l'equivoco in cui è caduto il giornalista e in cui potrebbero cadere possibili finanziatori interessati, giustamente fuorviati dal fatto che il progetto si presenta come un film in costume.

foto di Antonio Cecchi

Saturday, April 12, 2008

South Park Online Subtitles

INLAND EMPIRE, David Lynch's cult film

INLAND EMPIRE is a film to be analyzed, is a movie from live and love. Who would expect something, those who expect a story, a story, it is natural to remain disappointed and offended ... you sink into, being slaves, into the film, to understand the mechanisms and charm.
We must not be prejudiced, that's for sure, it is not necessary to know the poetry of Lynch or be a philosopher to fall in love and get lost in it.
Fear, terror, love, compassion, alienation, claustrophobia, anxiety, are only part of the kaleidoscope of emotions that the film gives the viewer; course we must want it, need to be well prepared, but if you really si ama il cinema in quanto arte questa pellicola è un pozzo di sensazioni e non può lasciare indifferenti.
La vicenda non è altro che una spirale che ci spinge verso la disperazione, lo stupore, l’orrore, fino alla liberazione finale, che spinge il nostro io al di fuori della realtà e ci rende osservatori dell’orrore del mondo e consapevoli delle infinite possibilità del futuro.
Dunque il film non è altro che un’immersione nella propria anima alla scoperta di sensazioni e paure che neanche pensavamo esistessero (in questo è forte l’analogia con lo Shining di Kubrik).
Il significato? La storia? Certamente anche io non ho compreso appieno il complesso avvicendarsi di fatti e mondi, tuttavia I think one of the messages that the director wanted to tell you a comment-goal cinema, and why not, half life
as an individual image to a complex plot, labyrinthine, as the human imagination can give birth to worlds and universes, histories and stories, you can always go further, imagine more and follow that train of thought only human, that gives life to endless possibilities and worlds.

In any case, the film is very strong emotional impact and in some stink borders on madness and delirium, so I do not recommend viewing for anyone even the slightest emotional (and who does not have to waste 3 hours behind the ravings of the director)

Alla prossima,

Monday, March 10, 2008

Good Pipe Bender To Make A Dune Buggy Frame


Sulla "spiaggia della strada interrotta" esiste una casetta, di quelle fatte durante la bonifica.
Nel 1993 scopriamo che vi abita una vecchia e che tale vecchia è arrivata alla fine della sua vita. Le due daughters take care of her, but it is not easy: Maria is a woman hateful Save even on his deathbed. What counts for her two daughters are not the ones you love but never at the bottom of the third fruit of her womb, Vincenzo, who lives in America.
Given the approaching end of his mother, two sisters are forced to call his brother. Vincent not only comes too late to say goodbye to his mother but carries with it an unpleasant surprise. Among the three brothers Save all hell breaks loose ...

We have written this story last year from the image of three sisters on the beach. And 'this film was that, somehow, he pulled the idea of \u200b\u200bepisodic film. The screenplay is written, is quite disturbing and not at all accommodating. But we must say that the five episodes, this is the first "The Uranian" (see post of 13 january) are the only ones in a sense a happy ending. The other episodes are coming out dark, hard, rough to turn the tone to the mood that belongs to the whole project: the Uranian by this company are considered as aliens and as such they behave. Choices are absurd, dangerous actions: what can be expected only from people who have nothing to lose.

"What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (Robert Aldrich 1962) and" Slowly, Sweet Charlotte (Robert Aldrich, 1964), Both films will be the reference for this episode. And not only because they form an explosive mixture of Gothic and grotesque, but also for the crudeness of the dialogue, the staging - almost expressionist cinema - and especially the acting of the actresses.
The title is "Save The death of Mary." We have already prepared the work plan: 4 days indoors and one outdoors. House identified: both for external and internal to the scene to be completely by the excellent designer with whom we have collaborated: Massimiliano Nocera. And
between "Uranian" and "THE BEACH OF THE CENTURY" seems to win overwhelmingly in the first game.
To be continued ...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Clips Of Monica Racaforte


3 i motivi che ci hanno fatto mettere da parte la scrittura di nuovi post:
1) poche novità sul nostro progetto;
2) scoramento, (vedi punto precedente e successivo);
3) uno di noi due (immaginate chi) ha lasciato la borsa con dentro il computer sulla banchina della stazione di Hotel de Ville a Parigi, mentre andava all'aeroporto per tornare a Roma.

Potete immaginare la "tragedia"? (virgoletto perché c'è di peggio nella vita ovviamente).
L'avvenimento ha provocato potenti contraccolpi:
- difficoltà a comprarsene un altro;
- rabbia accumulata di fronte ad avvenimenti che possono essere evitati with a minimum of attention,
- drop in immune function (3 influences behind each other in a single month),
- wasted material (with our valuable subjects and scripts that have been stolen already imagined and manufactured by some major and assigned to someone else)
- inability to update the blog as the handset, being newer, better able to handle the graphical tools,
- inability to work in two.

This lasted 24 hours. Then, calling the lost, we learned that the computer had been found by someone and handed over to the station.
Hurrah! W la France!
All those to whom we told said the same phrase, that ass!
And we have said with such sincerity that came a week after a second cold shower: the computer was gone again as it was not delivered as expected to the Prefecture where we were to withdraw. The number
footage that had been assigned to the source, was non-existent. We were planning a trip specifically to go to retrieve it but we gave up thinking that the cunning, the office of the glorious French underground, has seen good to get rid of our computerino.
Great suspense, with our friends in Paris who were allocated to the procession Prefecture ...

Then a few days ago, the bureau chief, seized with a fit of national pride and hammered on our phone calls, he picked up the thing and called the proper authorities to understand what they were combining co '' I'm computer.
And we succeeded: we sent a letter to tell us that "the exchange" had been found. The bag
?! I said, you see that there is a bag but not the computer!

when our friend Gianfranco - and we thank them along with Letizia and Luke - went to pick up the item, has determined that ...
the computer was in its place. And so here we are rewriting our posts and work on our film on which we will update you soon.

photo of Antonio Cecchi

Sunday, January 13, 2008

80s Aerobics Instructor Hair


veiled and ashamed of days gone
So ... We'd like to start the movie with a story in costume.
who knows us knows that we have written a film about Gramatica sisters, Irma and Emma, \u200b\u200bfrom which the name of our production. Treatment and script are passed through the hands of directors, producers and commissions in Italy and abroad, between 1998 and 2004 but in the end, despite awards and options, the project is still there.
However, extensive research in professional and private lives of these characters has made us discover that Irma (the oldest and talent of the two) has entered into a relationship with a young haberdasher that has lasted more than thirty years: in fact a real couple before its time. Probably both were unaware of the type of relationship which they lived, justified - his own eyes and those of others - from the need of the great actress that he needs for his work and his private affairs of someone to help her.
Another character that has always intrigued Pisis De Filippo is a wonderful painter lived in the first half of the 900. Before you take the painter De Pisis tried the way of literature and wrote essays, plays, short stories. Energetic and determined, in his youth had the audacity to send to the great diva of the theater above one of his works in the hope that the actress put in the scene.
This idea has always intrigued me: a meeting ever took place between a woman who had found marital bliss (as desired) with a girl younger than thirty years and a talented painter who, thanks to the success he could afford to be himself : A petulant man very "eccentric". Excess
that meets discretion. The veiled meets unveiled. The imaginary encounter / clash takes place in September 1919 on the beach.
result is a story that was then reduced and adjusted in narrative film.
The title of the court and that is the Uranian term proposed by a German scholar in the late nineteenth century to define the elusive "third sex".
The same title could be the whole movie and here you continue to accept comments:

to be continued ...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Is Pinguecula Is Curable

OFFERTE SPECIALI premiato SHORtini Film Festival di Augusta (SR)

Continue the Italian tour for our new short film that takes on small, valuable prizes (the updated list on the tab, clickable on the right column).
The jury wanted to generously reward Augusta Antonio Cecchi for his performance in the role of trans shy and humble.
The award was for the best performer, keeping furbamente vago il genere che, in questo caso, avrebbe generato numerose confusioni:

Più "screanzata" (e, ovviamente, anche lei generosa) la giuria di Corto Viterbo che lo scorso Giugno ha invece rotto ogni regola premiando Antonio come "miglior attrice".
Non essendo il premiato (la premiata?) presente, l'organizzazione ha provveduto a convocare "suo figlio" che ha ritirato il premio in sua vece: e sul palco è arrivato un cocomero... Gag riuscita e sottolineata dalla stampa locale.
Ecco il link (se non dovesse collegarsi direttamente alla pagina, vai nella sezione "news" del sito): And
(see the two articles of 17/06/2007)

production (and the interpreter) would like to thank.

(the photo is from Titus Mendi)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008




Italy, Pontine Marshes: a beautiful beach unchanged over time is the background to five stories that span the last century by addressing the issue of homosexuality.
The number that will make each section different dagli altri, sarà data da una messa in scena che, volta per volta, farà riferimento ad altrettanti generi cinematografici.

Stiamo scrivendo le sceneggiature dei cinque episodi. Nel frattempo, si accettano opinioni su quale dei due titoli vi sembra il più accattivante:


to be continued...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fotos De Bulma Doujin

Speechlesshollywood: sceneggiatori disperati in America, e con le palle.

Ci hanno madato l'indice degli spot realizzati a Hollywood per sostenere i diritti degli sceneggiatori americani.
Sarebbe interessante fare lo stesso qui da noi, a familITALY, visto come è trattata la categoria.
Potremmo "facilmente" metterci tutti d'accordo e costringere televisioni, produttori e registi a respect the work of writers, would be for them a "big problem": in addition to skip television series "prestigious", those "not fiderebbero sure you replace" professional writers who work for years, aspiring screenwriters and often inexperienced without talent, or worse, with the first recommendation that goes to pay two cents ... No?
We should do really ...
would be a success ... Yes
? ...


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Large Cervical Polyp And Cancer

primo post - sceneggiatori disperati

Then, this year nothing good intentions. This work is bad and so la fiducia nei progetti per il futuro: a questo punto lasciamo perdere, evitiamo gli attaccamenti e le aspettative, sempre più dannosi soprattutto quando non si hanno più vent'anni. L'unica cosa però è stata questa: aprire un blog per sorvegliarci pubblicamente. Condividere, con amici e non, i nostri successi e insuccessi e quello che viene. Siamo sceneggiatori? E allora sceneggiamo!