Sunday, December 16, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Fix Front Brokem Tooth

Nolan, a symbol of quality

Ora una breve carrellata su quello che sembra essere diventato uno dei registi di punta di questo periodo: Christopher Nolan.

Nolan inizia la sua carriera da regista e sceneggiatore nel 1998 con un film poliziesco in bianco e nero prodotto con bassissimi budget, che è stato molto apprezzato e ha segnato l'inizio della sua ascesa nel mondo del cinema. Firmò infatti poi film come Memento e Insomnia che lo etichettano definitivamente come promessa del cinema di culto.

Ma è a partire dal 2005 che si iniziano ad accumulare i suoi veri e propri successi, quelli that now the whole world calls masterpieces and rightly so. In fact, completely rewrites the character of Batman, inspired by the slightly re-invented by Miller, and creates a film full of action and adrenaline, however, that has me deep reflection and moments of asceticism of character ... something never seen before and unpredictable about a superhero like Batman abused. The film is exciting, charming, strong and engaging ... is a perfect production.

in 2006 with an exceptional cast hits the mark again, creating what has been described by critics as the best film of 'year: The Prestige . manages to sum up in a puzzling and captivating film a myriad of issues starting from 'ambition umana, lo sdoppiamento dell' io, il sacrificio, lo spaesamento. Ancora una volta Nolan ci da prova della sua abilità e della sua classe. Perchè in effetti è di questo che si parla: nessuno ha mai definito Nolan un genio e penso che nessuno lo farà mai. Non è di certo al livello di Kubrik, ma è un regista di qualità, un regista di cui ci si può fidare, che conosce a fondo il suo lavoro, le sue possibilità e i suoi collaboratori. Nolan sa che il successo si cela nei particolari, nelle sensazioni che vengono suscitate negli spettatori, in una fine ad effetto. Nolan si rende conto che sono le atmosfere che contano, sa crearne di realistiche e di appassionanti, conosce l'importanza della storia, delle interpretazioni players, the 'use of light. So we are certainly faced with a revolution of cinema as it was Spielberg, for example, but we recognize Nolan in a class, 'this skill in a few days to today' s: in fact he has the ability to charm a bit 'all components of 'demanding public work by presenting a diverse, varied and especially stylistically perfect.

now in post production that will be the result of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight that ... we all expect to produce a 'high if not higher than the previous ... but I say do not worry, the director knows what he does and realize its capabilities and his work ... Nolan is no coincidence the symbol of quality.

Seeing is believing ... look at these posters and tell me, are or are not the best I've ever seen?

I hope you enjoyed that article and pictures, see you soon, Marv

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How To Remove Nasal Polyp In Dogs

The Shining

Only a few days ago I saw the great masterpiece of Stanley Kubrick , the Shining , considered one of the most successful and most terrifying films of all time, and I could not resist the temptation to talk about this movie and what I felt watching it ... also doing a bel commento critico delle scelte cinematografiche del regista.

The Shining è principalmente ambientato in spazi interni, che corrispondono alle diverse stanze e corridoi dell' Overlook hotel, del quale il protagonista Jack Torrance diventa custode invernale insieme alla ridente famigliola composta da moglie e figlio di circa 7-8 anni.
Inutile dire che questo soggiorno, diventerà un vero e proprio incubo, non solo per i personaggi, ma ancora di più per il pubblico, che si vede protagonista delle angosce e delle visioni non di uno, ma di tutti e tre i protagonisti; Il piccolo Danny possiede infatti un arcano power, translated glittered and has the power to see what has happened and will happen, especially with regard to 'murder had been done twenty years earlier by the custodian of' hotel who murdered his wife and daughters and about the complex situation that is created between him, his father and mother.
fact, all three characters as they tend to degenerate the film progresses, especially Jack, who feels threatened and angered by the behavior of his wife, begins to have strange visions and design a kind of revenge also Wendy scared to death by the new behavior of her husband, she has also foolish visions. So the situation worsens
violently down the steep spiral of madness and degenerating into pure terror for all the characters and the viewer, who never know what to expect and that is nothing short of shocked and chilled by the visions of the small Danny and expressions of madness and fear on the faces of the protagonists.

But the real star of the film is' Overlook Hotel, with its silence, with its labyrinthine corridors, with its contrasting colors, with its light and its spectral patterns claustrophobic.
every aspect of the 'hotel pushes the viewer to the malaise, dizziness and the complete alienation of reality. It symbolizes the complexity of life and paura, sta metaforicamente a indicare l' immensa vastità della mente umana e di come ci si possa perdere all' interno di essa. Dentro l' hotel tutto è lecito, non valgono più le regole della natura, non valgono più tutti i sentimenti umani, ma regna sovrano il caos, la claustrofobia e il puro terrore.
Il senso di vertigine è dato dalla smisurata immensità dei luoghi, dal continuo uso della linea retta piuttosto che di quella curva e dalle riprese ondeggianti di luoghi e personaggi.
Lo spettatore perde la cognizione del tempo e dello spazio perso all' interno del non-luogo kubrikiano , si sente smarrito e vulnerabile davanti all' immensità degli spazi e alle sensazioni di malessere e sofferenza che tende a percepire.
La luce è sempre presente... ma è data da lampade al neon, che producono una luce assente, fredda, distaccata che non rassicura, anzi ci spinge ancora di più, insieme ai colori accesi dei tappeti e della tappezzeria, dentro l' abisso di follia che percorre l' intero film.

Il montaggio è usato in modo particolare... infatti i campi delle riprese sono sempre abbastanza grandi e appena prima di una visione la telecamera viene progressivamente avvicinata al personaggio in questione in modo da restringere la visuale ; L' immagine precedente viene repentinamente interrotta per essere bruscamente sostituita con un altra differente di fortissimo impatto emotivo, solitamente che dura solo few seconds. This tight fitting is also the basis of all the scenes of greatest tension, while in quieter moments expectations tend to be dilated, supported by the soundtrack, not really pleasant.

A very important theme throughout the film is the theme of the double and the mirror. In a famous vision Danny sees the two sisters killed by the previous caretaker, who are holding hands, dressed in the same manner as in a mirror. Also there is redundancy of these objects throughout the film ... the same Danny has another vision in front of the bathroom mirror. Again, towards the end of the film, Danny , in the grip of a visionary trance, writes on the bathroom door REDRUM mirror of the word murder, but also consists of the words re- drum, or sound repeated 2 times, rumble, and finally heard him say it resembles the sound of words and red room.

Regarding the issue of double talks to Danny at the beginning of the film with a sort of alter ego to 'internal self the same husky voice and chilling, named Tony .
Finally all the character of Jack is parallel and sometimes overlapping and interchangeable with the previous caretaker murderess, with whom he converses during a vision, anche questa molto famosa.

Ora un occhiata al cast... abbiamo un superbo Jack Nicholson , di una bravura incommensurabile, veramente calato nella parte e veramente agghiacciante. Un Nicholson da oscar a mio parere. Anche la moglie ( Shelley Duvall ) dà una fantastica e agghiacciante impressione e si conferma una grande attrice. Infine il piccolo Danny Lloyd , in assoluto l'attore più terrificante ha compiuto una performance da brivido, veramente paranoica e spaventosa.

Infine non si può non parlare delle musiche... musiche celeberrime, paranoiche, claustrofobiche.
Senza questa colonna sonora il film sarebbe stato un altro, avrebbe perso la sua incisività in alcune fondamentali scene. Le musiche sono dissonanti, agghiaccianti, veramente forti e iper coinvolgenti.

Per finire un avvertimento a tutti... questi film è il capolavoro dell' horror , una produzione fantastica da tutti i punti di vista, ma è veramente veramente spaventoso. A mio parere ogni persona dovrebbe vederlo, e le reazioni variano sempre da persona a persona (chi se ne frega, chi sbuffa, chi urla, chi sottovaluta, chi piange) tuttavia io ne sconsiglio la visone a chiunque sia eccessivamente impressionabile, perché è veramente un film forte, in alcuni punti addirittura eccessivo.
Kubrick is just a great genius ... this film as well as other production and direction of his school and did his skill and attention to detail place it a step higher than any other director ... really a movie to watch despite its high impressionability.

This is my opinion and my review ...
copious commentary,
the next, Marv

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Homemade Gourmet Vs. Wildtree

ccmz blog

Hello everyone raga ... I write this article to inform you of a great new ... I and my other friends have created a new blog ... dove linkeremo le produzioni cinematografiche da noi attuate fino ad oggi e dove vi terremo informati dei progetti futuri...

Per ora i risultati sono molto buoni, ma siete voi stessi che potrete commentare o dare consigli e suggerimenti...
vale la pena andare a dare un' occhiata, fidatevi ;-)

Ciao e alla prossima,

Friday, November 16, 2007

Why Does My Underwear Get Tight

"Sin City" graphic novel by Frank Miller in Batman Begins

Sin city, un po' come 300 ha ottenuto la sua massima notorietà per merito del film, un ottimo film for what I said in a previous post ... but it is unclear how it has gone from comics to film and how Miller had thought his work before it was adapted to the big screen.

Sin City is composed of 6 separate graphic novels, all set in the imaginary city of sin, almost all of which have different characters, but bound together by a thin line that links their destinies, their personalities and their characters.
The city of sin affects us a bit 'for all its crudeness and its strength, a force that has as objective to exaggerate any behavior, feeling, emotion.
in Sin City is all to 'nth power, as the emotions it arouses, and the feelings it transmits, you are much stronger than any other comic could ever do.
At such a high degree of sublimation graphic novels, each episode of this is meaningless and makes room for all the wonder and 'exaltation of the reader: the story itself, although very intriguing, is eclipsed by' chilling and macabre atmosphere that this city and port behind every story takes a back seat to make room for more pure excitement and empathy of the reader.
of us have never heard Marv Millerian, or even Jackie Boy and Dwight and Hartigan, who unlike the situations they find themselves to be victims or torturers, human and inhuman.

But Miller reached perfection with style and dialogues with the designs of this superb Sin City. In his style of writing each word has its purpose, as well as every sound, every syllable has meaning, all dialogue has been edited so as to achieve a perfection rarely sought in the comics.
The boards are even more fantastic and milleriana summarize the vision of the world: in fact they also are brought to 'far-fetched, either in color (that are strictly black and white with a few glaring exceptions) is in the style which is brought to' nth power leave a large space to 'reader's imagination. A big

masterpiece, a symbol of modern comics, broadly comparable to the milestones as "Watchman" or "V for Vendetta," must-read for any fan of comics in general, but also in literature, thanks to the perfection of the 'great work of Miller

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How To Make A Ceiling Curtain Rod

Hello everyone!

This time I will not go to analyze the film in question, as the impotant thing is the emotion that it sends you while you look, what you feel, your feelings and concerns ...
In fact the whole movie revolves around the feeling of fear, a fear that if Bruce had become a paranoid and was transformed into a raving mad desire for revenge, until he joined a Buddhist confraternitta, who taught him to dominate and control anger and fear, which starts at the arts of the ninja, testing of hard physical and mental strength.
Fear is the owner of Gotham City, crime and everyday life, the terror grows in society and every person who can not cope with the 'wave of crime and death that is coming down on the city by the death of Bruce's parents; Corruption creeps in everywhere and destroys everything they had fought and struggled, devastated by the 'internal everything they had believed and hoped.
Fear is the feeling that the Batman slips into his new enemy, the fear of 'unknown and of' darkness.
again fear is the feeling of chaos, confusion absolute that is released in Gotham at the end of the film, which upsets the rules and orders that still drives our hero to struggle with his anxieties and to save his city from 'self-destruction.

do not have to think to understand that we are witnessing a great film, masterfully directed by Christopher Nolan is a great, a film that hits you hard and that sodddisfa every kind of audience, not just those who expect spectacular actions, but also who cares right even of the characters, their character and their emotions.

All this would not have been possible without the cast that the film was ... an exceptional cast that includes the brilliant Michael Caine in the role of Alfred, a Liam Neeson and exalted above all Chistian Bale, truly perfect in all aspects and I believe an actor of great versatility and espresività.
shame that Katie Holmes is not really at the entrance, but in this film did not give a bad impression of himself.

Friday, October 5, 2007

What Does Your Pointer, Middle And Pinky Mean

"Dreams" by Tiziano Sclavi

A Dylan who are very close and that really struck me is the special number 7, released in 'late 1993 is now quite rightly called "Dreams." The authors are a guarantee from Sclavi (in the period of its greatest produttività) a un Freghieri bravissimo che da il meglio di se e disegna dei personaggi completamente diversi uno dall' altro, seguendo le direttive di Tiziano.

Infatti i personaggi sono caratterizzati completamente e in modo molto dettagliato; questo avvene perchè il Dylan si snoda attraverso una serie di visioni o sogni che legano i 5 protagonisti, persone con particolari poteri sensitivi, tra cui c'è anche Dylan, radunati da un eccentricissimo Wells, che vuole studiare i complessi meccanismi della mente umana. Egli paga profumatamente i protagonisti e monitora i loro sogni per 5 giorni, finchè i loro inconsci non si ritrovano in un paesino sperduto nella brughiera, un frutto dell' immaginazione, della fantasia o della follia, che porta come nome Nowhere, nessun luogo. Questa odissea porta i protagonisti a confrontarsi con i compagni, a analizzarsi criticamente e a riscoprire se stessi, il proprio passato ormai sepolto, dimenticato.
A facilitare la loro ricerca interiore (o a rendere più difficile?) appare l' emblematica figura del destino, personificata nel giullare, nel matto, che complica le carte in gioco e che interviene a svelare il passato e il futuro dei protagonisti.

Il Dylan si presenta come un' avventura psicologica, un viaggio psicanalitico alla ricerca di se stessi e il lettore diventa il protagonista, si immedesima nei personaggi e rimane affascinato dalla varietà di sentimenti, di sensazioni, di dolori che possono essere provate; he is lost in the 'universe of mind and heart of Dylan and his companions. The comic is in very large allegorical, each and every situation they have their meaning and their place in the mind of the author '... left to the reader to interpret 'work, catch the symbolism, quotes, and then Sclavi's message: "Never forget who you are."

Important is the meaning given by the number 5 (five guinea pigs, five days, and many others, if you read the comic), as Dylan says 5 is the number of chaos and thus the maze, but also to the staff and then of 'love (lover's knot pentagram is in English). Finally is the number of 'human soul as it represents the 'union between good and evil because the first issue of a union and an odd-even number. Number of 'soul because even 5 are the characteristics of this: hate, love, revenge, shame and compassion.

Dylan, as usual, is not the real protagonist of the story, he merely fight its own war to survive and so in this case against the 'oblivion and against the pain of not being able to stop the' inevitable. The main character is fate, cruel and sweet, who weaves her web like a spider hungry, which contrasts our free will and which must therefore be fought by all of us day after day at gunpoint, because freedom is the best gift There never was done.

This is my interpretation and my opinion, you commented
(naturalmete if 'you've read), the next

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blue Dots On A Pregnancy Test


I am here I am back from vacation and survived the first weeks of school, finally ready to write a new article ... This time I deviate for a moment from 'impression that until now I have given my blog (movies / comics) to talk about a video game for PC, probably the best player ever and the longest.

I'm talking about Diablo II, of course, battle net version, which has a large number of variations on a normal game interesting, but a bit 'short and not very dynamic.
L' espansione e il gioco su internet presentano invece la possibilità di passarsi oggetti ed equipaggiamenti, di farsi aiutare a finire il gioco e naturalmente di giocare in tanti uccidendo i boss e ripetendo gli scenari più difficili.


Esistono 7 personaggi diversi e ognuno di essi può essere specializzato in diverse discipline a differenza delle abilità che gli fate apprendere.

AMAZZONE: guerriero molto versatile capace di utilizzare arco e lancia. Con il primo lancia frecce elementali o le divide per colpire più avversari, con la seconda sferra fatali attacchi elettrici capaci di dividersi e di uccidere un sacco di mostri.

ASSASSIN: lethal in 'use of martial arts uses his body as a weapon, attacks and mental traps, or electrical fire.

Necromancer: skilled magician conjure up skeletons or other hideous creatures and to reanimate the corpses. Curses also launches attacks or using poison and bone.

BARBARO, the strongest fighter combat the barbaric expanding its already high capacity through the screams of war or use them to weaken and terrify the enemy. It also has the talent of throwing weapons, and of course that those melee.

Paladin: defender of the weak and the righteous, the champion sports extraordinary fighting skills, all collegate alla sfera della sacralità, ma non per questo meno devastanti.
E' in grado di evocare una spirale di martelli, di combattere picchiando con lo scudo e di potenziare se stesso e gli alleati con una serie di utili aure.

INCANTATRICE: controlla gli elementi (fuoco, ghiaccio e fulmine) e seppur debole di costituzione risulta devastante anche a grandi distanze salvo protezione dal suo elemento.

Come giocare

Allora, il gioco in battle net è come il gioco in single player, solo che puoi giocare con chiunque sia in linea in quel momento e quindi puoi farti finire il gioco nelle 3 difficoltà, puoi duellare, commerciare e scambiare, chiacchierare,...
In this way a long game can be finished in a few hours and the player can concentrate on the level up and find a particularly good equipment necessary to be able to play high difficulty and at high levels. This can be done by either playing alone and then trying to be better if the objects (but to do that you must already be strong enough) or through trade (trade) with other users or with your friends, good passing objects improve your possibilities.


objects are killing monsters, and in general the stronger the monster and the most advanced is the difficulty migliori oggetti si trovano.
Questi si dividono in oggetti normali, magici, rari, unici, e di gruppo e potenziano i parametri, le resistenze o le abilità di chi li indossa. Inoltre esistono rune, gioielli o gemme da poter incastonare in oggetti bucati e aumentarne la potenza. Infine gli incantesimi migliorano le tue capacità e le tue caratteristiche.


Diablo II offre una tecnologia all' avanguardia per l' epoca in cui è uscito, e che permette un pratico metodo di conversazione tra i giocatori, che hanno poi imparato ad abbreviare le parole e a creare sigle in modo da comunicare con più facilità e a capirsi meglio.
Quindi vi lascio con un breve vocabolario abbreviations used and I wish you could play this fantastic game, very different, which affects the player, which catapults you into another world where you have to learn how to disentangle and personal experience stove much later than many other more recent.
tp: city portal
wp: routepoint
pp: add me to your group
char: character
barb: Barbarian
shovel: Paladin
loves Amazon
SORC: Enchantress
druid: Druid
killer necro : necromancer

Council site www.insulaarcana / diablo.asp as the reference site.

your MARV

Friday, June 29, 2007

Umbilical Hernia Recovery Constipation

Dylan Dog: "A Tale of none" Comparison

Eccomi di nuovo, in ritorno dal mare... e, ritrovando uno spiraglio di tempo prima di ripartire cercherò di parlare di quello che a mio parere è uno dei più bei D ylan D og mai scritti.

Prima di iniziare in questa ardua impresa voglio però fare un paio di precisazioni:
potete leggere il mio articolo sia se non avete letto sia se avete letto questo fumetto... nel primo caso vi invoglierà a prenderlo e mangiarvelo (con gli occhi e la mente, intendo) nel secondo caso vi aiuterà a chiarire dei punti che vi sono rimasti oscuri, o semplicemente potrete leggere e commentare con le vostre idee.
Certamente avrete capito che si tratta di un Dylan rivoluzionario, che mette in dubbio il mondo stesso in cui viviamo e colpisce duramente le certezze del lettore, capovolgendo l' universo conosciuto; quindi spero che mi perdonerete se in un paio di punti vi sembrerò eccessivamente oscuro nei miei passaggi o comunque difficilmente comprensibile. Inoltre faccio notare che quello che scriverò sarà decisamente soggettivo, e quindi voi lettori potreste benissimo aver inteso l' intera faccenda diversamente.

Allora... il Dylan è basato su due paralleli equivoci (scusate se non so definirli meglio); il primo è la parola nessuno , che viene usata sia con la lettera minuscola sia maiuscola, and indicates both the lack of a soul (eg : there 'is none) or the fact that any person is not able to make an' action (eg : nobody can do it) is a real person. In fact it is called "Nobody" is a cartoon character, any anyone, a person widely considered to be a nobody and forgotten by all once dead. This
but nobody lives, becoming a zombie cannibal, and killing people who in life had forgotten about him ... but things are not as they seem, and here comes the second "mistake", because for some reason in this comic Dylan plays the saxophone, drinking liters of alcohol, maintains a friendly conversation with a psychologist, who, strangely, has the face of Xabaras and to finish the Tour Eiffel is located in London. Everything suggests a parallel universe ... but because the universe exists, how it was created, and first because no one has noticed anything?

A reading of the world to a revolutionary degree of the screenwriters of all time: Justin S clavi , still young enough to find the most obscure questions of life and scenes of an 'innate rawness to' interior of this historic register.
This comic, like few others in this series manages to amuse the reader, making him think and making him aware of the 'existence of a consciousness beyond the ego, making him understand the complexity of the' universe and the human mind.

I hope you enjoyed this good introduction, and you have interested in this Dylan, but also to 'a whole series of Bonelli.
To you now have the opportunity to comment, ask explanation or clarification, or just say your review ...

Hello, MARV ("no history", D Ylan D og number 43)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Are Blisters On My Hip Herpes

Eragon film / novel. Part I

Now to me your full attention as possible ... probably a good part of you or my faithful readers will have seen that shit of a movie of Eragon , something abhorrent, disgusting, a total shit ... but this time I am not speaking only for my movie experience, but especially because I could not establish that the comparison with the book.

First we'll talk a bit 'of the novel, a' magnificent work, which made me excited about the fantasy genre more than anything else, so you can realize how he lost the film.

Then, the book is a insieme di peripezie e incontri: il protagonista si muove all' interno di un universo sconosciuto sia a lui che al lettore; Eragon è spaesato alla vista di un mondo così pregno di magia e novità, cose che lui neanche immaginava potessero esistere. Grazie al vecchio ma ancora arzillo e scaltro cantastorie Brom si avventurerà in questo universo pregno di pericoli e misteri, affrontando nemici temibili come gli urgali , inseguito da creature insieme mostruose e abilissime come i ra ' zac ; ma soprattutto Eragon imparerà a conoscere se stesso, ad apprendere la il suo potenziale, la sua forza, la sua importanza e il suo destino.
Fino a qui tutta l' opera potrebbe solo sembrare un interessante fantasy , ma sono presenti delle caratteristiche che rendono questo libro unico nel suo genere, un vero capolavoro.
Per prima cosa il drago che fa da perno a tutta la storia, e che non è solo un burattino al servizio del protagonista, ma è un essere pensante e cosciente, legato in modo indissolubile a Eragon ; tuttavia non è affatto docile, ma orgoglioso, passionale e sì, a volte si comporta in modo avventato o stupido. Molto importante e interessante risulta il rapporto tra il protagonista e il suo drago, le cui menti sono collegate telepaticamente , poiché they will not be d 'agree on everything, and several times it will irritate the' one another. Then the magic
, which is explained in this book better than any other. The magic is tied to a language, the 'ancient language of the elves, and not only is very difficult to practice, but requires a huge physical and mental effort: it will dry up so much energy than it would be necessary to perform the' action without it. Moreover, as I said, magic is only feasible thanks to depth knowledge of the Elvish language, and this not only to complicate matters enormously, symbolizes the 'importance of languages \u200b\u200band finish is very comunicazione.Per the fascinating 'universe in which the entire story takes place: Alagaësia (with the umlaut on the e). It is indeed very real, with forests, rivers, deserts, swamps, mountains, and inside there are three races: elves, dwarves, and especially humans, who inhabit most of the world under the command of despotic Galbatorix, also rider of dragons.

It's up to Eragon oppose the tyrannical ruler of the kingdom and discover a power for him right now too big even to be imagined ...

The comparison with the movie and a commentary on Eldest in the second part of 'article ...

Ciao a tutti e non perdetevi il seguito,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Does Scope Get You Drunk

Comparison Eragon film / novel. Part II

Rieccomi a paragonare film e romanzo di Eragon... Nella parte precedente avevo fatto una sorta di riassunto del libro e avevo elencato le sue caratteristiche peculiari, che lo distinguevano dagli altri fantasy e lo rendevano superiore...
Ora parlerò di ciò che nel film è stato brutalmente decurtato, non tanto per criticare la produzione e la sceneggiatura, ma per mostrarvi come hanno potuto trasformare un potenziale capolavoro in una schifezza inguadabile.

As I said Eragon is a novel full of action, but leaves room for reflection, and the suggestion to 'imagination, elements in the book come from a set of parts to be only negligible, but joined together they make quantum leap in history. So ... In the film jumped to the first characterization, which would serve to make them a bit 'more real and realistic, whereas the opposite seems to characters of a puppet show which is completely static, locked in their mentality, which are moved by something like superior ... they do not reflect and move accordingly, but act so foolish, impulsive randomly . Between ' Another managed to turn a Eragon that appeal to everyone in a reckless and arrogant character: two-dimensional (just the opposite of what the book).
were therefore cut scenes as some important stages of his journey south: the villages devastated by Urgals, the beautiful city of Teirm, the 'important Dras Leona and was cut off one of the harshest scenes of the novel: Eragon in prison is compelled to fast not to fall under the 'influence of drugs. All these scenes gave an extra boost to the whole journey of the protagonist in the film is absolutely incoherent, without meaning or purpose ... certainly, through selective cutting could eliminate more pieces gory and thus open the film to enthusiastic audience of children in that room do nothing but yell and scream without passing to them or their parents to their heads wondering what they are watching and that significance should have.
Now let's look at the logical consistency: the 'goal of Paolini (the writer) was to create the path of his character and very strong enemies scaltrissimi so that Eragon progressing in his training and his knowledge is not able to delete them anyway indeed it would have to return once again to train for a single chance. In fact, the 'author created a king from the power and' experience unimaginable hordes of Urgals physical strength twice that of a man, two Ra 'zac fast, very clever man, treacherous and dangerous to' far-fetched (well, two antagonists perfect for Eragon and two puppets to use in a scene to burst and so smooth and painless). Not to mention that the stop in Teirm and survival of Ra 'zac was more than necessary later in Eragon. Paolini created Durza
Finally, the physical and mental strength equal to that of an 'adult elf, well-trained, stronger than the commander of the Varden with years and years of experience and battles, so great an enemy, which goes beyond the possibility of Eragon, and that it is defeated thanks to the 'help of Arya and especially thanks to good luck. The film is not Durza altro che un burattino al servizio di Galbatorix, non è orgoglioso né avvenente né temibile come dovrebbe essere e fa in più occasioni la figura dello stupido. Per finire uno dei personagggi più affascinanti del libro è un certo Murtagh, che dopo la morte di Brom affianca Eragon nel suo viaggio, lo aiuta a fuggire dalle prigioni ed è anche un grandioso rivale per il protagonista che tutte le sere duella con lui attorno al fuoco. L' alone di mistero che lo circonda, la sua straordinaria abilità come combattente, e la sua fedeltà a Eragon gli faranno guadagnare non solo il rispetto, ma anche la fiducia e l' amicizia del protagonista. Inutile dire che nel film è quasi tutto tagliato: la sua comparsa, meno di due minuti e poi immediately added to the Varden. About this I will not go, but I will only say that 200 pages of the book are skipped since Eragon joins them for the final battle, and are one of the most interesting and exciting.
Now the dragon ... be ', is almost the contour, is involved in a couple of fight scenes and otherwise communicate with Eragon and does not talk much (thank goodness, because her voice, but particularly around the dubbing is outrageous).
However, in general, the cast is small, it only saves Brom, but, as I have said is ruined by dubbing.

I do not know what it took to film, but after "The Lord of the Rings" is no yet managed to produce a fantasy worthy of the name, have even turned the story that households could ever want in an absolute shit ... a real disappointment ... we only hope that the forthcoming "The compass d 'oro", the novels of the series "His Dark Materials" will be able to stop this losing streak (well,' the cast is promising).

Hello everyone and tell me your opinion,

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Australian Toaster Muffins

V for Vendetta movie

Now that I found a window of time to 'inside of my post-school commitments (commitments that you will understand) cover you with words to talk about my favorite movie ever, which I had mentioned on previous post of cinema, a film that will remain forever linked, a film that struck me not only because of the revolutionary history, but above all thanks to a script by master and a perfect cast, masterful.

I think the title of the post you understand what it is ... V for Vendetta, adapted from 'eponymous comic book by Alan Moore, but adapted to the big screen by two genes as the Wachowski brothers. These two directors had already happened with the Matrix trilogy, in my opinion overly romanticized, but still well produced and well directed. However I think their real masterpiece is V for Vendetta, the film which were already working, even before filming Matrix, but they had but then decided to postpone due to lack of resources. So we have repeated the story of a young but rather inspired by Moore, adapted in a way as to obtain a 'interesting but uncompromising vision of a London despotic and fascist, but in order to create a' compelling, introspective and compelling fight for freedom in a saturated atmosphere of despotism and tyranny.

The film is thus the story of a terrorist, V, which is unique in his country, stands to confront the dictatorship and to fight for freedom, it turns to the subject population (more psychologically and physically) and awakens in their feelings dormant for so long: pride, confidence, persistence and tenacity. Simultaneously, the same story focuses in particular on two characters: the same V and a girl, Evey Hammond, whose fates intersect. Their speeches and their actions will affect the viewer, as a sparkling, engaging and ultimately very reflective. The whole film has not only undermines the social model, leading to 'exasperation and almost paradoxical, but also severely affects the emotional, with a character in relation to V and inflexible as a very emotional yet resolute as Evey. Their relationship is in fact as a confrontation between an 'inflexible idea (symbolized by V) and a human being able to cry and suffer.
addition to the terrorist 's attention is also focused on the' other part of the "deployment", the despotic state that is facing for the first time a critical situation. This is partly made up of men ruthless and without conscience, and by 'other people are more human than they are entangled in the power system of the dictatorship without even the slightest account of what it is capable and that, despite continuing to work for the state, are affected by the actions of V.
The film is clearly not static, but rather very dynamic, with continual overturning of the situation, spectacular terrorist operations, el 'plot is convoluted in a couple of points, because of the flashbacks, which But they just make the story more interesting and less slow.
Ultimately the film is a hymn to peace and freedom, told by two master filmmakers in a rather introspective and psychological, and above all quite strange, different from the usual ... Manages to turn the situation to the public to please the enemies of peace and tranquility to create an imaginary hero, who does not really exist, but this is all 'inside of each person, a hero at the same time an unprecedented power but whose goal is not attainable without the 'support of the people who would not be possible without a sacrifice.
course production of such a high level would not have been possible without the cast that had ... not an exceptional cast, but in my opinion the best suited to each other. V is represented as a powerful voice by Hugo Weaving and movements rather than well-chosen, but also a Natalie Portman who has left behind the role in Star Wars and behaves very well now more than showing off all his skills and his whole charm, even shaved zero.
are also very convincing 'Inspector Finch (Stephen Rea) and all party members, particularly the' high chancellor Adam Sattler and the face of London Protheto Louis.

Finally I can announce that the 'psychological environment and the basic ideas sono apertamente ispirate al capolavoro di George Orwell "1984"; ma questo non è un motivo per disprezzare o sminuire l' effetto o le emozioni suscitate da questo film. Infatti esso narra una storia completamente diversa, molto originale e neanche lontanamente paragonabile a quella raccontata da Orwell nel lontano 1948. Le due vicende, al di là del' ambientazione non potrebbero essere più diverse, se non per il tema di fondo: la ricerca della libertà. Ma non mi sembra giusto accostarli tra di loro: solo perchè vanno in scena nel prossimo futuro, non vuol dire che sono uguali, no?

Voi avete visto questo grandissimo film? Cosa ne pensate? A voi la possibilità di commentare.
Ciao a tutti dal MARV your

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Best Electronic Coyote Call

Poetry and Art

begin this exciting new category of post related to 'art and poetry in particular. Will report poems, nursery rhymes and poems composed in part by me and others that I found particularly expressive or rhythm or simply beautiful to read.
Now I think a good start to write a kind of nursery rhyme very beautiful and very significant that I found on 'special album of Dylan Dog called "Dreams," and I've reworked a couple of points to extrapolate from the context of history and to make it a bit 'smoother.
Here it is: This is
of 'suffering humanity,
ghosts in the blinding light of
That nothing
that awaits
the maze without exit
dreams and sorrows
you call life.
But the dream is only one,
meaningless, cryptic,
a dream
dazzling colors of destiny.

To me it seemed very sad but very apt and meaningful ... tell me what you think ...

Hello and inspired by the next article MARV

Friday, June 8, 2007

How Long Does Ruptured Spleen Take To Heal

My comics

I'm back to talk to my imaginary recipient (liked the rhyme, eh?) . I think I will change this time I will concentrate on one topic and parallel to the film, but yet very different: the comic
First would soon get the money for my favorite genres, which I have several of the brackets My friends, that made me a bit of interest 'in this and a bit' on that so that I can now say with security my generation of cartoonists.
First DYLAN DOG . I started to read it three years ago when a friend and confidant (now former friend and confidant) recommended them to me. Then I alternated moments of full and complete addiction to moments of total indifference. This 'bubble' horror "does have the ability to bewitch and make them completely dependent on reading. All this is thanks to great writers and artists, but especially thanks to 'designer, supervisor and with the first writer: Tiziano Sclavi . I ask myself and I always ask how do I get such a disproportionate fantasia e delle idee così azzeccate, idee che sfiorano il paranoico e molte volte si avvicinano alla follia assoluta: in poche parole un vero genio, creatore della migliore serie in assoluto del fumetto italiano e che a mio parere potrebbe giocare la coppa per il migliore nel mondo.
Certamente si troverebbe di fronte seri avversari, a partire da una Marvel molto osannata ma per me non eccessivamente originale e eclatante; a mio parere perchè un fumetto sia veramente degno non solo ti deve entusiasmare, ma soprattutto ti deve stupire. Questo stupire può corrispondere, a differenza dell' opera ai disegni, ai testi, and above all the story. I think a comic should not just be called ordinary comics, because cast a shadow over much more apt and original productions. But back to our
Dylan ... the comic is a mixture of different elements and can be read in different ways: First, this comic is a real insight of the 'human spirit in all its sides, from the most obscure to the most happy, through melancholy, contempt and especially love the Dylan Dog are also full of symbols, allegories and quotes from artists , scrittori o personaggi famosi, anche contemporanei. Dylan può essere letto come la denuncia della società moderna, una denuncia ampia che può riguardare l' omologazione, la violenza contro le donne o i bambini, la paura di crescere, il terrore di fuggire da un' esistenza squallida e senza futuro o anche solamente la mancanza di tolleranza.
Oltre ai Dylan Dog , soprattutto nell' ultimo anno mi sono avvicinato molto alle Graphic Novels , dei veri e propri romanzi grafici, simili ai fumetti, ma molto più lunghi, e indipendenti tra di loro: infatti essi non creano un' infinita serie di albi con stessi personaggi, ma la maggior parte sono unici. In questo modo ho conosciuto uno dei più grandi maestri di tutti i tempi, Frank Miller , scrittore, disegnatore, regista e sceneggiatore, che ha pubblicato produzioni del calibro di 300, Ronin e il fortunato ciclo di SIN CITY, che rappresenta l' omonima città città devastata da crimine e mafia. Frank Miller unisce alla sua unica abilità di scrittore anche il suo talento da disegnatore, dando vita a graphic novels di un intensità, di un realismo e di una crudezza impensabli .
Per farvi un altro titolo di graphic novel nameless Wanted, a small masterpiece in my opinion, the lightest of comic Miller, but no less interesting, curious and fascinating, made even miles from the charming drawings by Jeffrey G. Jones.
After this series on my favorite genres I hope you'll be made a 'fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bmy comic tastes, and then I salute you, making sure that certainly will come back to talk about these topics and much more in depth.
Hello from your MARV

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Basmati Rice And Divirticulits


Hello everyone, as I have many topics to talk about having created a backlog of this blog recently, today you will find me to sing the praises of what I think is one of the most successful films of recent times ... SIN CITY. Since I saw this masterpiece (about five months ago) has changed the way I behave and relate to (my own name from this movie), so I just decided to say everything I have to say, so you understand my film genres and show a side of my personality. So excuse me if I will speak in a little more objective and subjective, as are tied to this movie more than you can imagine, though nowadays it is not my favorite.
SIN CITY is a film based on a comic, but not a comics But from a Graphic Novel American signed Frank Miller . Miller began to deal with comic characters reinterpreting the past and now has revived large characters like Batman or Robocop, always giving a shade more gothic. But the highest level it has reached with the noir cycle, SIN CITY, a city infamous, devastated by continuous fighting between police and criminals among the people trying to survive and barely composed mostly of political or religious.
Think of the film as a comic book mobile, with the same jokes and characters from the same side which run on a full background creato dal computer, e pensate a una regia composta da Frank Miller , da un superbo Robert Rodrighez e un Quentin Tarantino che intreccia tre storie una più cruda e violenta dell' altra, una più appassionante e intrigante dell' altra.
Devo ammettere che la prima volta che l' avevo visto avevo fatto caso solo alla mole spropositata di violenza (una violenza falsissima, ma allo stesso tempo agghiacciante grazie ai falsi colori sullo sfondo in bianco a nero del film), violenza che a un occhio poco allenato copre un lavoro di sceneggiatura, di fotografia e di regia impareggiabili.
A mio parere infatti il punto forte di questo capolavoro, oltre che alla fotografia, sono i dialoghi, dialoghi che scritti da un maestro come Miller , sono anche stati doppiati e tradotti in un modo magistrale.
Ora non si può che dare un' occhiata al cast, più che spettacolare. Sono presenti star affermate del carico di Bruce Willis , di Benicio Del Toro o di Clive Owen , emergenti ma talentuosi attori come Elijan Wood e discrete gnocche come Jessica Alba, Rosrio Dawson e una deliziosa Alexis Bledel . Inoltre ha un discreto ruolo anche un Mikey Rourke that plays a big role but in my opinion very complex in the first forty minutes.
In general, a coarse but fine film, a movie that never bored but otherwise keeps you glued to the chair of the second or third time you see him, thanks to complicated mechanisms of the scenes or just to snap on a screenplay by MASTERS.
Finally, I quote a few excerpts from SIN CITY:
1) ( speech of Senator Roark ) "The power not tell you from a gun or a badge, you give it the power lies, big lies and convince the world to side with you. king you can convince people of what they know in their hearts to be false will keep the balls. "
2) the police officer here, as far as I know I could be a father with wife and kids and a mortgage to pay. It draws closer, the dog rig, now I just have to choose whether or not to kill him ... not easy.
Now I'm done, I leave to you the opportunity to comment with your ideas,
Hello everyone and the next item from your MARV (now you know the origin of this name)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How Much Does It Snow In Fort Campbell

Hello everyone ... this is my new blog.
Now I can write what I want on the world around me and say what they really think ...
but now let submit ... My name is Alberto, in art (and internet) MARV (if you have already figured out where it comes from the name I bow at your feet). I live as well as an interesting squalid and exciting as well boring existence made up of school, home and friends. Are enhanced by every new feature (this blog is new and so now I'm excited), I am interested in movies, comics and game magic (these three are my drug daily and without them I would be lost).
In general I think I'm a bit 'special, but everyone thinks this of himself, so this is not a thing to brag about ... I can tell you a maniac 's activity, and this does not mean that I'm forced to leave the house every day, but it only means that I can not sit still doing nothing, but I always have to do something ... and this something is often central hobbies listed above or with the computer.
I realize that I often behave in an overly hectic but raga, what can I do, if you have something in mind that you must act first steps of mind ...
Hello everyone and the next article,