Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Does Scope Get You Drunk

Comparison Eragon film / novel. Part II

Rieccomi a paragonare film e romanzo di Eragon... Nella parte precedente avevo fatto una sorta di riassunto del libro e avevo elencato le sue caratteristiche peculiari, che lo distinguevano dagli altri fantasy e lo rendevano superiore...
Ora parlerò di ciò che nel film è stato brutalmente decurtato, non tanto per criticare la produzione e la sceneggiatura, ma per mostrarvi come hanno potuto trasformare un potenziale capolavoro in una schifezza inguadabile.

As I said Eragon is a novel full of action, but leaves room for reflection, and the suggestion to 'imagination, elements in the book come from a set of parts to be only negligible, but joined together they make quantum leap in history. So ... In the film jumped to the first characterization, which would serve to make them a bit 'more real and realistic, whereas the opposite seems to characters of a puppet show which is completely static, locked in their mentality, which are moved by something like superior ... they do not reflect and move accordingly, but act so foolish, impulsive randomly . Between ' Another managed to turn a Eragon that appeal to everyone in a reckless and arrogant character: two-dimensional (just the opposite of what the book).
were therefore cut scenes as some important stages of his journey south: the villages devastated by Urgals, the beautiful city of Teirm, the 'important Dras Leona and was cut off one of the harshest scenes of the novel: Eragon in prison is compelled to fast not to fall under the 'influence of drugs. All these scenes gave an extra boost to the whole journey of the protagonist in the film is absolutely incoherent, without meaning or purpose ... certainly, through selective cutting could eliminate more pieces gory and thus open the film to enthusiastic audience of children in that room do nothing but yell and scream without passing to them or their parents to their heads wondering what they are watching and that significance should have.
Now let's look at the logical consistency: the 'goal of Paolini (the writer) was to create the path of his character and very strong enemies scaltrissimi so that Eragon progressing in his training and his knowledge is not able to delete them anyway indeed it would have to return once again to train for a single chance. In fact, the 'author created a king from the power and' experience unimaginable hordes of Urgals physical strength twice that of a man, two Ra 'zac fast, very clever man, treacherous and dangerous to' far-fetched (well, two antagonists perfect for Eragon and two puppets to use in a scene to burst and so smooth and painless). Not to mention that the stop in Teirm and survival of Ra 'zac was more than necessary later in Eragon. Paolini created Durza
Finally, the physical and mental strength equal to that of an 'adult elf, well-trained, stronger than the commander of the Varden with years and years of experience and battles, so great an enemy, which goes beyond the possibility of Eragon, and that it is defeated thanks to the 'help of Arya and especially thanks to good luck. The film is not Durza altro che un burattino al servizio di Galbatorix, non è orgoglioso né avvenente né temibile come dovrebbe essere e fa in più occasioni la figura dello stupido. Per finire uno dei personagggi più affascinanti del libro è un certo Murtagh, che dopo la morte di Brom affianca Eragon nel suo viaggio, lo aiuta a fuggire dalle prigioni ed è anche un grandioso rivale per il protagonista che tutte le sere duella con lui attorno al fuoco. L' alone di mistero che lo circonda, la sua straordinaria abilità come combattente, e la sua fedeltà a Eragon gli faranno guadagnare non solo il rispetto, ma anche la fiducia e l' amicizia del protagonista. Inutile dire che nel film è quasi tutto tagliato: la sua comparsa, meno di due minuti e poi immediately added to the Varden. About this I will not go, but I will only say that 200 pages of the book are skipped since Eragon joins them for the final battle, and are one of the most interesting and exciting.
Now the dragon ... be ', is almost the contour, is involved in a couple of fight scenes and otherwise communicate with Eragon and does not talk much (thank goodness, because her voice, but particularly around the dubbing is outrageous).
However, in general, the cast is small, it only saves Brom, but, as I have said is ruined by dubbing.

I do not know what it took to film, but after "The Lord of the Rings" is no yet managed to produce a fantasy worthy of the name, have even turned the story that households could ever want in an absolute shit ... a real disappointment ... we only hope that the forthcoming "The compass d 'oro", the novels of the series "His Dark Materials" will be able to stop this losing streak (well,' the cast is promising).

Hello everyone and tell me your opinion,


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