Hello everyone, as I have many topics to talk about having created a backlog of this blog recently, today you will find me to sing the praises of what I think is one of the most successful films of recent times ... SIN CITY. Since I saw this masterpiece (about five months ago) has changed the way I behave and relate to (my own name from this movie), so I just decided to say everything I have to say, so you understand my film genres and show a side of my personality. So excuse me if I will speak in a little more objective and subjective, as are tied to this movie more than you can imagine, though nowadays it is not my favorite.
SIN CITY is a film based on a comic, but not a comics But from a Graphic Novel American signed Frank Miller . Miller began to deal with comic characters reinterpreting the past and now has revived large characters like Batman or Robocop, always giving a shade more gothic. But the highest level it has reached with the noir cycle, SIN CITY, a city infamous, devastated by continuous fighting between police and criminals among the people trying to survive and barely composed mostly of political or religious.
Think of the film as a comic book mobile, with the same jokes and characters from the same side which run on a full background creato dal computer, e pensate a una regia composta da Frank Miller , da un superbo Robert Rodrighez e un Quentin Tarantino che intreccia tre storie una più cruda e violenta dell' altra, una più appassionante e intrigante dell' altra.
Devo ammettere che la prima volta che l' avevo visto avevo fatto caso solo alla mole spropositata di violenza (una violenza falsissima, ma allo stesso tempo agghiacciante grazie ai falsi colori sullo sfondo in bianco a nero del film), violenza che a un occhio poco allenato copre un lavoro di sceneggiatura, di fotografia e di regia impareggiabili.
A mio parere infatti il punto forte di questo capolavoro, oltre che alla fotografia, sono i dialoghi, dialoghi che scritti da un maestro come Miller , sono anche stati doppiati e tradotti in un modo magistrale.
Ora non si può che dare un' occhiata al cast, più che spettacolare. Sono presenti star affermate del carico di Bruce Willis , di Benicio Del Toro o di Clive Owen , emergenti ma talentuosi attori come Elijan Wood e discrete gnocche come Jessica Alba, Rosrio Dawson e una deliziosa Alexis Bledel . Inoltre ha un discreto ruolo anche un Mikey Rourke that plays a big role but in my opinion very complex in the first forty minutes.
In general, a coarse but fine film, a movie that never bored but otherwise keeps you glued to the chair of the second or third time you see him, thanks to complicated mechanisms of the scenes or just to snap on a screenplay by MASTERS.
Finally, I quote a few excerpts from SIN CITY:
SIN CITY is a film based on a comic, but not a comics But from a Graphic Novel American signed Frank Miller . Miller began to deal with comic characters reinterpreting the past and now has revived large characters like Batman or Robocop, always giving a shade more gothic. But the highest level it has reached with the noir cycle, SIN CITY, a city infamous, devastated by continuous fighting between police and criminals among the people trying to survive and barely composed mostly of political or religious.
Think of the film as a comic book mobile, with the same jokes and characters from the same side which run on a full background creato dal computer, e pensate a una regia composta da Frank Miller , da un superbo Robert Rodrighez e un Quentin Tarantino che intreccia tre storie una più cruda e violenta dell' altra, una più appassionante e intrigante dell' altra.
Devo ammettere che la prima volta che l' avevo visto avevo fatto caso solo alla mole spropositata di violenza (una violenza falsissima, ma allo stesso tempo agghiacciante grazie ai falsi colori sullo sfondo in bianco a nero del film), violenza che a un occhio poco allenato copre un lavoro di sceneggiatura, di fotografia e di regia impareggiabili.
A mio parere infatti il punto forte di questo capolavoro, oltre che alla fotografia, sono i dialoghi, dialoghi che scritti da un maestro come Miller , sono anche stati doppiati e tradotti in un modo magistrale.
Ora non si può che dare un' occhiata al cast, più che spettacolare. Sono presenti star affermate del carico di Bruce Willis , di Benicio Del Toro o di Clive Owen , emergenti ma talentuosi attori come Elijan Wood e discrete gnocche come Jessica Alba, Rosrio Dawson e una deliziosa Alexis Bledel . Inoltre ha un discreto ruolo anche un Mikey Rourke that plays a big role but in my opinion very complex in the first forty minutes.
In general, a coarse but fine film, a movie that never bored but otherwise keeps you glued to the chair of the second or third time you see him, thanks to complicated mechanisms of the scenes or just to snap on a screenplay by MASTERS.
Finally, I quote a few excerpts from SIN CITY:
1) ( speech of Senator Roark ) "The power not tell you from a gun or a badge, you give it the power lies, big lies and convince the world to side with you. king you can convince people of what they know in their hearts to be false will keep the balls. "
2) the police officer here, as far as I know I could be a father with wife and kids and a mortgage to pay. It draws closer, the dog rig, now I just have to choose whether or not to kill him ... not easy.
Now I'm done, I leave to you the opportunity to comment with your ideas,
Now I'm done, I leave to you the opportunity to comment with your ideas,
Hello everyone and the next item from your MARV (now you know the origin of this name)
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