I think the title of the post you understand what it is ... V for Vendetta, adapted from 'eponymous comic book by Alan Moore, but adapted to the big screen by two genes as the Wachowski brothers. These two directors had already happened with the Matrix trilogy, in my opinion overly romanticized, but still well produced and well directed. However I think their real masterpiece is V for Vendetta, the film which were already working, even before filming Matrix, but they had but then decided to postpone due to lack of resources. So we have repeated the story of a young but rather inspired by Moore, adapted in a way as to obtain a 'interesting but uncompromising vision of a London despotic and fascist, but in order to create a' compelling, introspective and compelling fight for freedom in a saturated atmosphere of despotism and tyranny.
The film is thus the story of a terrorist, V, which is unique in his country, stands to confront the dictatorship and to fight for freedom, it turns to the subject population (more psychologically and physically) and awakens in their feelings dormant for so long: pride, confidence, persistence and tenacity. Simultaneously, the same story focuses in particular on two characters: the same V and a girl, Evey Hammond, whose fates intersect. Their speeches and their actions will affect the viewer, as a sparkling, engaging and ultimately very reflective. The whole film has not only undermines the social model, leading to 'exasperation and almost paradoxical, but also severely affects the emotional, with a character in relation to V and inflexible as a very emotional yet resolute as Evey. Their relationship is in fact as a confrontation between an 'inflexible idea (symbolized by V) and a human being able to cry and suffer.
addition to the terrorist 's attention is also focused on the' other part of the "deployment", the despotic state that is facing for the first time a critical situation. This is partly made up of men ruthless and without conscience, and by 'other people are more human than they are entangled in the power system of the dictatorship without even the slightest account of what it is capable and that, despite continuing to work for the state, are affected by the actions of V.
The film is clearly not static, but rather very dynamic, with continual overturning of the situation, spectacular terrorist operations, el 'plot is convoluted in a couple of points, because of the flashbacks, which But they just make the story more interesting and less slow.
Ultimately the film is a hymn to peace and freedom, told by two master filmmakers in a rather introspective and psychological, and above all quite strange, different from the usual ... Manages to turn the situation to the public to please the enemies of peace and tranquility to create an imaginary hero, who does not really exist, but this is all 'inside of each person, a hero at the same time an unprecedented power but whose goal is not attainable without the 'support of the people who would not be possible without a sacrifice.
course production of such a high level would not have been possible without the cast that had ... not an exceptional cast, but in my opinion the best suited to each other. V is represented as a powerful voice by Hugo Weaving and movements rather than well-chosen, but also a Natalie Portman who has left behind the role in Star Wars and behaves very well now more than showing off all his skills and his whole charm, even shaved zero.
are also very convincing 'Inspector Finch (Stephen Rea) and all party members, particularly the' high chancellor Adam Sattler and the face of London Protheto Louis.
Finally I can announce that the 'psychological environment and the basic ideas sono apertamente ispirate al capolavoro di George Orwell "1984"; ma questo non è un motivo per disprezzare o sminuire l' effetto o le emozioni suscitate da questo film. Infatti esso narra una storia completamente diversa, molto originale e neanche lontanamente paragonabile a quella raccontata da Orwell nel lontano 1948. Le due vicende, al di là del' ambientazione non potrebbero essere più diverse, se non per il tema di fondo: la ricerca della libertà. Ma non mi sembra giusto accostarli tra di loro: solo perchè vanno in scena nel prossimo futuro, non vuol dire che sono uguali, no?
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