Some try to scan in the scanner for a possible re-use of film instead of the usual digital am waiting for a Nikon N80 in the U.S. paid the beauty of 20 €. I would rather have a F100 but the cost seems excessive to me quite limited in relation to the use I would make a 35mm film SLR. Meanwhile, the N80 I
beak and then we'll see. Both the spending is so limited.
These are some slides taken during one of the Misex yore.
I think it was the 1995 edition.
A young Manya
Mistake or this is Lea di Leo? (Certainly not with her tits to be found nowadays!)
Maybe the younger she did not say anything but it is Anita Rinaldi, one of the first Hungarian to become famous actresses in our country. Now I face is the producer and manages its own modeling agency in Hungary.
Ok, Rocco Siffredi recognize it all.
This is just out of focus but at the time I used a Canon A1 with manual focus, flash media potenza, obiettivi abbastanza "entry-level" e diapositive a 100ISO. Ero quindi costretto a lavorare con l'apertura massima delle lenti, mettendo a fuoco in un mirino comunque piuttosto buio e in situazioni di equilibrio precarie. Purtroppo il mix di tutti questi elementi negativi portava spesso a risultati non proprio eccellenti.
La inserisco solo come testimonianza storica pertché ancor oggi ricordo che l'appoarizione di Rocco, già allora famosissimo, mise il numerosissimo pubblico in subbuglio con grandi applausi all'attore.
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