Friday, January 28, 2011

Invite For The First Death Anniversary


Grazie al contributo della Regione Lazio è nata una ATI di cui La Casa Gramatica è piccola parte. Si chiama ON THE DOCKS ed è una piattaforma integrata per distribuire e sviluppare internazionalmente produzioni indipendenti italiane. 
On the DOCKS vuole dare forza al mercato delle produzioni audiovisive italiane che guardano alla realtà del nostro paese per realizzare documentari, film e nuovi formati audiovisivi.  Per far vedere nel mondo un'altra Italia. L'attività by On The Docks provides distribution, sales, and streaming of movies online, matchmaking, development of international co-productions, international trading markets and participation in international festivals. The platform aims at a common task for internationalizing business partners enhancing the quality of production and labor, creating a sales network overseas distribution and sales of documentaries, film, format, new contents, scripts, audio-visual and multimedia products subject. Taking care of the pre-sale of a script format and international partners, sales training and subjects in the catalog, and distribution in integrated product catalog with: Web, TV (free / pay / cable / on demand), home video, room (traditional retail film or in digital distribution alternative).
The goal of On The Docks is the activation of an international network to facilitate distribution, co-production and development of new projects, from Canada, Russia and France.
must log in to buy the securities that cost € 2.99, which is free except for some titles, like ours, BUT THAT MUSIC.


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