OVO Productions is the name we gave to our collective five boys born in 1984 in Turin , friends from the first year of high school, who wanted to unite their skills and personal passions during the campaign image for the "Living Orientation
Accomplice decade relationship of friendship that binds us and pay the balance We immediately found the division of tasks , arose spontaneously the intention to continue under the same logo in the future other projects. We needed, therefore, a name which we could identify all five. In the end, we opted for OVO: only three letters, and easy to remember - a graphics layer - the impact, because palindrome. In addition, the egg is a perfect symbol: round, full metaphor for the birth of (n) egg, the endless possibilities.
Maurizio Bulgarini Pubbliche Relazioni e Web Master
Rossella Quaranta Responsabile Video
Andrea Sossich Responsabile Grafica
Galileo Tarricone Coordinatore e Responsabile Musica
My Zalica Production secretary
mail _ ovoproduzioni@gmail.com
mobile _ _ 338/1352012 392/9790377
_ FaceBook
_ MySpace
_ Flickr
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