3 i motivi che ci hanno fatto mettere da parte la scrittura di nuovi post:
1) poche novità sul nostro progetto;
2) scoramento, (vedi punto precedente e successivo);
3) uno di noi due (immaginate chi) ha lasciato la borsa con dentro il computer sulla banchina della stazione di Hotel de Ville a Parigi, mentre andava all'aeroporto per tornare a Roma.

L'avvenimento ha provocato potenti contraccolpi:
- difficoltà a comprarsene un altro;
- rabbia accumulata di fronte ad avvenimenti che possono essere evitati with a minimum of attention,
- drop in immune function (3 influences behind each other in a single month),
- wasted material (with our valuable subjects and scripts that have been stolen already imagined and manufactured by some major and assigned to someone else)
- inability to update the blog as the handset, being newer, better able to handle the graphical tools,
- inability to work in two.

Hurrah! W la France!
All those to whom we told said the same phrase, that ass!
And we have said with such sincerity that came a week after a second cold shower: the computer was gone again as it was not delivered as expected to the Prefecture where we were to withdraw. The number
footage that had been assigned to the source, was non-existent. We were planning a trip specifically to go to retrieve it but we gave up thinking that the cunning, the office of the glorious French underground, has seen good to get rid of our computerino.
Great suspense, with our friends in Paris who were allocated to the procession Prefecture ...

And we succeeded: we sent a letter to tell us that "the exchange" had been found. The bag
?! I said, you see that there is a bag but not the computer!

the computer was in its place. And so here we are rewriting our posts and work on our film on which we will update you soon.
photo of Antonio Cecchi
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