Hello everyone!
This time I will not go to analyze the film in question, as the impotant thing is the emotion that it sends you while you look, what you feel, your feelings and concerns ...
In fact the whole movie revolves around the feeling of fear, a fear that if Bruce had become a paranoid and was transformed into a raving mad desire for revenge, until he joined a Buddhist confraternitta, who taught him to dominate and control anger and fear, which starts at the arts of the ninja, testing of hard physical and mental strength.
Fear is the owner of Gotham City, crime and everyday life, the terror grows in society and every person who can not cope with the 'wave of crime and death that is coming down on the city by the death of Bruce's parents; Corruption creeps in everywhere and destroys everything they had fought and struggled, devastated by the 'internal everything they had believed and hoped.
Fear is the feeling that the Batman slips into his new enemy, the fear of 'unknown and of' darkness.
again fear is the feeling of chaos, confusion absolute that is released in Gotham at the end of the film, which upsets the rules and orders that still drives our hero to struggle with his anxieties and to save his city from 'self-destruction.
do not have to think to understand that we are witnessing a great film, masterfully directed by Christopher Nolan is a great, a film that hits you hard and that sodddisfa every kind of audience, not just those who expect spectacular actions, but also who cares right even of the characters, their character and their emotions.
All this would not have been possible without the cast that the film was ... an exceptional cast that includes the brilliant Michael Caine in the role of Alfred, a Liam Neeson and exalted above all Chistian Bale, truly perfect in all aspects and I believe an actor of great versatility and espresività.
shame that Katie Holmes is not really at the entrance, but in this film did not give a bad impression of himself.
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