Berlino Eccomi di ritorno dalla 14^ edizione del Venus di Berlino.
Sono rimasto piuttosto deluso dalla fiera in se stessa perché mi aspettavo una maggiore partecipazione di attrici famose e di ditte produttrici di materiale porno ma ho constatato che, come già scritto da altri per l'edizione dell'anno scorso, oramai il grosso dei partecipanti è costituito dai produttori di oggetti erotici con a seguire i locali di fun for adults.
But I must say, and I have proof in pictures that are soon to publish, that the greatest attraction of the exhibition consisted of a diverse fauna consisting of ladies to say the least mammary overflowing in their budget and at the same time fascinating in their uncouth merriment as well as throngs of exhibitionists, male and female, who crossed the aisle.
area that was to be dedicated to producing the porn presence was limited and the only big houses these were Italian and French Dorcel Sins Factory Production.
great success of the Italians with the final trailer for the film "Casino '45" which the 3D effect is significantly improved compared to that seen in the last Misex. Present for the occasion, the two protagonists of the film: the always available Vittoria Risi and discover new Flame Mountains.
Given the uninspiring quality of Lonelybit fair and I have dedicated a good part of Saturday to turn the city into a wonderful and crystal clear autumn day.
Some photos taken with the phone waiting for those of the fair.
Arrival of Schonefeld airport run on Friday in a rather gloomy day
The radio tower in Berlin (that's fair in the old West Berlin, then there is what was East Berlin, which has many other dimensions and aspect)
Near the train station S-Bahn Zoo Erotic Museum the famous home of the glorious Beate Uhse
the same area was a must to visit the Helmut Newton Foundation Museum of Photography in ospitat
collective risk near the Brandenburg Gate. While all the pedal capobici illustrates the beauty of the city.
Oh well, same image as a tourist trooped
Nearby were some guys flying this kind of helicopter with a camera to frame hanging from the monuments. Picture Control was done from the ground via radio transmitter. Smart!
Near the door on the way June 17, was shooting a movie which saw much of the road blocked to accommodate the dozens of machines used to simulate city traffic. Here, however, two images of 35mm Arriflex cameras used for the shots from the bottom.
The Bundestag renewed the monstrous thing of people waiting to get on the new dome. The wait to get on the radio tower in East Berlin was instead of three hours!