little over a month ago, on the site cinemagay.it http://www.cinemagay.it/news-red.asp?idrassegna=9438 " has released an article that dealt with this on our blog.
Cinemagay . it is a site that monitors, collects and disseminates all that happens in the world on the front and GLBT CINEMA.
It does so with care, passion and above all, a rarity in Italian journalism of the past twenty years, rigorous (in other words, should not be their friends to be taken into account, but do something interesting).

I take time for this blog renew the thanks and compliments, but also to make a small clarification on the generous article they have written, that the episodes of our feature film project is an expensive project but, rather, designed specially to be low budget (of course asking a cast and crew to meet us or else we'd be cool ...). Each short
costs on average about 50 000 euro, but the short set in the '80s - the third episode - which costs twice as much (being a bit 'longer and more developed than others).

We have focused on stories and on a few strong, intriguing characters and have instead tried un'ambientazione che fosse semplice da scenografare e vestire abbattendo i costi almeno da quel punto di vista: la spiaggia.
Ecco quindi chiarito l'equivoco in cui è caduto il giornalista e in cui potrebbero cadere possibili finanziatori interessati, giustamente fuorviati dal fatto che il progetto si presenta come un film in costume.

foto di Antonio Cecchi