Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Effects Of Alcohol For Cystic Fibrosis


little over a month ago, on the site " has released an article that dealt with this on our blog.
Cinemagay . it is a site that monitors, collects and disseminates all that happens in the world on the front and GLBT CINEMA.
It does so with care, passion and above all, a rarity in Italian journalism of the past twenty years, rigorous (in other words, should not be their friends to be taken into account, but do something interesting).
impressed by the time we have turned to special offers, I thanked him with an email.
I take time for this blog renew the thanks and compliments, but also to make a small clarification on the generous article they have written, that the episodes of our feature film project is an expensive project but, rather, designed specially to be low budget (of course asking a cast and crew to meet us or else we'd be cool ...). Each short
costs on average about 50 000 euro, but the short set in the '80s - the third episode - which costs twice as much (being a bit 'longer and more developed than others).

We have focused on stories and on a few strong, intriguing characters and have instead tried un'ambientazione che fosse semplice da scenografare e vestire abbattendo i costi almeno da quel punto di vista: la spiaggia.
Ecco quindi chiarito l'equivoco in cui è caduto il giornalista e in cui potrebbero cadere possibili finanziatori interessati, giustamente fuorviati dal fatto che il progetto si presenta come un film in costume.

foto di Antonio Cecchi

Saturday, April 12, 2008

South Park Online Subtitles

INLAND EMPIRE, David Lynch's cult film

INLAND EMPIRE is a film to be analyzed, is a movie from live and love. Who would expect something, those who expect a story, a story, it is natural to remain disappointed and offended ... you sink into, being slaves, into the film, to understand the mechanisms and charm.
We must not be prejudiced, that's for sure, it is not necessary to know the poetry of Lynch or be a philosopher to fall in love and get lost in it.
Fear, terror, love, compassion, alienation, claustrophobia, anxiety, are only part of the kaleidoscope of emotions that the film gives the viewer; course we must want it, need to be well prepared, but if you really si ama il cinema in quanto arte questa pellicola è un pozzo di sensazioni e non può lasciare indifferenti.
La vicenda non è altro che una spirale che ci spinge verso la disperazione, lo stupore, l’orrore, fino alla liberazione finale, che spinge il nostro io al di fuori della realtà e ci rende osservatori dell’orrore del mondo e consapevoli delle infinite possibilità del futuro.
Dunque il film non è altro che un’immersione nella propria anima alla scoperta di sensazioni e paure che neanche pensavamo esistessero (in questo è forte l’analogia con lo Shining di Kubrik).
Il significato? La storia? Certamente anche io non ho compreso appieno il complesso avvicendarsi di fatti e mondi, tuttavia I think one of the messages that the director wanted to tell you a comment-goal cinema, and why not, half life
as an individual image to a complex plot, labyrinthine, as the human imagination can give birth to worlds and universes, histories and stories, you can always go further, imagine more and follow that train of thought only human, that gives life to endless possibilities and worlds.

In any case, the film is very strong emotional impact and in some stink borders on madness and delirium, so I do not recommend viewing for anyone even the slightest emotional (and who does not have to waste 3 hours behind the ravings of the director)

Alla prossima,