Sunday, January 13, 2008

80s Aerobics Instructor Hair


veiled and ashamed of days gone
So ... We'd like to start the movie with a story in costume.
who knows us knows that we have written a film about Gramatica sisters, Irma and Emma, \u200b\u200bfrom which the name of our production. Treatment and script are passed through the hands of directors, producers and commissions in Italy and abroad, between 1998 and 2004 but in the end, despite awards and options, the project is still there.
However, extensive research in professional and private lives of these characters has made us discover that Irma (the oldest and talent of the two) has entered into a relationship with a young haberdasher that has lasted more than thirty years: in fact a real couple before its time. Probably both were unaware of the type of relationship which they lived, justified - his own eyes and those of others - from the need of the great actress that he needs for his work and his private affairs of someone to help her.
Another character that has always intrigued Pisis De Filippo is a wonderful painter lived in the first half of the 900. Before you take the painter De Pisis tried the way of literature and wrote essays, plays, short stories. Energetic and determined, in his youth had the audacity to send to the great diva of the theater above one of his works in the hope that the actress put in the scene.
This idea has always intrigued me: a meeting ever took place between a woman who had found marital bliss (as desired) with a girl younger than thirty years and a talented painter who, thanks to the success he could afford to be himself : A petulant man very "eccentric". Excess
that meets discretion. The veiled meets unveiled. The imaginary encounter / clash takes place in September 1919 on the beach.
result is a story that was then reduced and adjusted in narrative film.
The title of the court and that is the Uranian term proposed by a German scholar in the late nineteenth century to define the elusive "third sex".
The same title could be the whole movie and here you continue to accept comments:

to be continued ...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Is Pinguecula Is Curable

OFFERTE SPECIALI premiato SHORtini Film Festival di Augusta (SR)

Continue the Italian tour for our new short film that takes on small, valuable prizes (the updated list on the tab, clickable on the right column).
The jury wanted to generously reward Augusta Antonio Cecchi for his performance in the role of trans shy and humble.
The award was for the best performer, keeping furbamente vago il genere che, in questo caso, avrebbe generato numerose confusioni:

Più "screanzata" (e, ovviamente, anche lei generosa) la giuria di Corto Viterbo che lo scorso Giugno ha invece rotto ogni regola premiando Antonio come "miglior attrice".
Non essendo il premiato (la premiata?) presente, l'organizzazione ha provveduto a convocare "suo figlio" che ha ritirato il premio in sua vece: e sul palco è arrivato un cocomero... Gag riuscita e sottolineata dalla stampa locale.
Ecco il link (se non dovesse collegarsi direttamente alla pagina, vai nella sezione "news" del sito): And
(see the two articles of 17/06/2007)

production (and the interpreter) would like to thank.

(the photo is from Titus Mendi)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008




Italy, Pontine Marshes: a beautiful beach unchanged over time is the background to five stories that span the last century by addressing the issue of homosexuality.
The number that will make each section different dagli altri, sarà data da una messa in scena che, volta per volta, farà riferimento ad altrettanti generi cinematografici.

Stiamo scrivendo le sceneggiature dei cinque episodi. Nel frattempo, si accettano opinioni su quale dei due titoli vi sembra il più accattivante:


to be continued...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fotos De Bulma Doujin

Speechlesshollywood: sceneggiatori disperati in America, e con le palle.

Ci hanno madato l'indice degli spot realizzati a Hollywood per sostenere i diritti degli sceneggiatori americani.
Sarebbe interessante fare lo stesso qui da noi, a familITALY, visto come è trattata la categoria.
Potremmo "facilmente" metterci tutti d'accordo e costringere televisioni, produttori e registi a respect the work of writers, would be for them a "big problem": in addition to skip television series "prestigious", those "not fiderebbero sure you replace" professional writers who work for years, aspiring screenwriters and often inexperienced without talent, or worse, with the first recommendation that goes to pay two cents ... No?
We should do really ...
would be a success ... Yes
? ...


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Large Cervical Polyp And Cancer

primo post - sceneggiatori disperati

Then, this year nothing good intentions. This work is bad and so la fiducia nei progetti per il futuro: a questo punto lasciamo perdere, evitiamo gli attaccamenti e le aspettative, sempre più dannosi soprattutto quando non si hanno più vent'anni. L'unica cosa però è stata questa: aprire un blog per sorvegliarci pubblicamente. Condividere, con amici e non, i nostri successi e insuccessi e quello che viene. Siamo sceneggiatori? E allora sceneggiamo!