Nolan inizia la sua carriera da regista e sceneggiatore nel 1998 con un film poliziesco in bianco e nero prodotto con bassissimi budget, che è stato molto apprezzato e ha segnato l'inizio della sua ascesa nel mondo del cinema. Firmò infatti poi film come Memento e Insomnia che lo etichettano definitivamente come promessa del cinema di culto.
Ma è a partire dal 2005 che si iniziano ad accumulare i suoi veri e propri successi, quelli that now the whole world calls masterpieces and rightly so. In fact, completely rewrites the character of Batman, inspired by the slightly re-invented by Miller, and creates a film full of action and adrenaline, however, that has me deep reflection and moments of asceticism of character ... something never seen before and unpredictable about a superhero like Batman abused. The film is exciting, charming, strong and engaging ... is a perfect production.
in 2006 with an exceptional cast hits the mark again, creating what has been described by critics as the best film of 'year: The Prestige . manages to sum up in a puzzling and captivating film a myriad of issues starting from 'ambition umana, lo sdoppiamento dell' io, il sacrificio, lo spaesamento. Ancora una volta Nolan ci da prova della sua abilità e della sua classe.

now in post production that will be the result of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight that ... we all expect to produce a 'high if not higher than the previous ... but I say do not worry, the director knows what he does and realize its capabilities and his work ... Nolan is no coincidence the symbol of quality.
Seeing is believing ... look at these posters and tell me, are or are not the best I've ever seen?

I hope you enjoyed that article and pictures, see you soon, Marv